You Deserve Joy
Do you shrug your shoulders when someone asks about your birth and claim you are "going with the flow?" Are you scared of transferring to a hospital? Do you worry about repeating traumatic events from a past birth? Are you worried bad outcomes run in your family's lineage? Are you terrified you will be in pain or that your body might fail you?
I hear you. It's time to examine these fears and their roots. Through Joyous Birth Coaching™ I will help you release these manifested emotional blockages so you can step into your power and intuitive knowledge and enjoy birth, and motherhood as a whole. We will do this during our coaching sessions by working through where your current fears may have stemmed from, debunking those fears, and learning to honor the innate knowledge of your body and baby. We will instill confidence through unique mantras and affirmations, visualization exercises, and by leaning into your intuition as a mother.
What Does Joyous Birth Coaching™
Look Like?
Through our sessions, we will uncover not only obvious worries, but deeply engrained fears that are holding you back from enjoying pregnancy and preparing for birth. We will unpack any previous birth trauma, and close the door on the feeling of failure. By working one-on-one with me, you will be able to find a sense of freedom, intuition, and joy that has been missing in it's fullest form from your experience as a mother.
We begin by meditating on the joy that is there to experience during pregnancy, labor, and birth. We then take note of negative self talk or advice that has been deterring you from that joy, and pinpoint when it entered your mind and what it has done to serve you. With each fear we will uncover whether there is any truth to the matter, or if it is emotional sabotage that is taking you away from expanding into your power and knowledge. We will acknowledge the messaging you have received that has allowed you to think you are undeserving of a joyous, uncomplicated birth.
Whats Included?
1 hour long session (virtual or in-person if local to Fort Collins, CO)
joyous birth meditation
hone in on fears, lingering questions, worries
identify sources
dispel myths
discern what tools to implement to overcome worry and handle it if/when it arrives
discuss how to protect your birthing space–including who might be present during labor and birth
so much more